How To Move Your Fitness Business Online In 8 Steps 

Introduction  The fitness industry has seen a significant shift towards online platforms in recent years. With the rise of digital technology and the impact of global events like the COVID-19 pandemic, more fitness businesses are moving online to stay competitive and reach a wider audience. Transitioning your fitness business online can help you tap into […]

How to Start a Personal Training Business and Stay Successful in the Fitness Industry 

The fitness industry has seen exponential growth over the past decade, offering a wealth of opportunities for aspiring personal trainers. With the rise of health consciousness and the pursuit of fitness goals, the demand for personal training services has skyrocketed. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to turn your passion into a career or a […]

Braving the Digital Shift: How Veteran Coaches Flourish in the Online Fitness Realm

Experienced in-person coaches are often victims of our own success. Entrenched thinking and behavior which served our success in-person, leaves us struggling to adapt to technology driven changes and opportunities to our industry. We’re often slow or unable to move at all into online coaching. We believe we can’t replicate the in-person experience and aren’t […]

The World Has Changed, So Have The Rules For New Online Coaches

“You can’t train online unless you’ve coached in person for 4 years.” Maybe you’ve seen trainers make this or similarly arbitrary proclamations. These statements only serve to gain echo chamber applause. As a newer trainer, did this ever help you? Let’s first define “newer” trainer, in the context of this conversation, as anyone in the […]

5 Lies You Tell Yourself Why You Aren’t Creating And Sharing Content

You’re holding back your thoughts and ideas. Your desire to create is stifled because you’re lying to yourself. These lies protect you from being vulnerable. You think they protect you from the judgement and criticism you fear if you put your work on display for the world to tear down. You’re also safe from being […]

How Automation Can 10x Your Income 

In the fast-paced world of fitness and wellness, personal trainers and health coaches often find themselves juggling multiple tasks to keep their business running smoothly. With the dawn of automation tools, personal training businesses can streamline their operations, save time, and focus on what they do best – helping clients achieve their health goals. Whether […]

Moving Your First Client Online 

Introduction  Running a hybrid fitness business model can transform your life, leaving you with more money in your pocket and a better work-life balance compared to the grind of showing up every day at a big-box gym. Transitioning your first client from in-person to online can be daunting, but this simple guide is here to […]

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: A Game-Changer for Personal Trainers 

In a world where technology perpetually transforms how we live and work, The fitness world is on the brink of something big. The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into fitness regimes and business models opens a new frontier for personal trainers. This blog post explores the potent combination of AI and fitness, providing insights on […]

How 6 Successful Coaches Built Their Social Media Following

Large social media followings are often dismissed as the domain of sleazy fitness influencers. But like it or not, human brains see following size as a metric of credibility in our world. We have 2 choices. Pointlessly complain about people with large followings who share bad information or learn how reputable fitness professionals built their […]

Earning Your Worth: Personal Trainer Salary Trends & Strategies for 2024 

Navigating the fitness industry is like embarking on a marathon – it’s a dynamic, exhilarating journey that rewards perseverance, strategy, and a healthy dose of passion. As of 2024, the personal training landscape has seen shifts in not just fitness trends, but how trainers approach their careers and earnings. Determining how much personal trainers make […]

7 Ways To Avoid Burnout As A Personal Trainer 

In the fitness world, burnout is like a sneaky workout injury. For personal trainers, it can show up when you least expect it, and trust me, it could throw a wrench in your passion for fitness. But guess what? We’re more resilient than any muscle strain or sprained ankle. Let’s dive into some seriously effective tips to kick burnout to the curb and bring back the balance in our fitness careers. 


Here’s a scenario: You’re a motivated and certified personal trainer ready to start your own coaching business. First of all… CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉 What an amazing achievement and an exciting start to the year. We’re super excited for you! Starting your own small business can be fun, stressful, rewarding, scary, exhilarating, frustrating, <add your own adjective – it’s […]