How to Take Advantage of Metrics to Build Your Coaching Business
Metrics are the Ultimate Money-Maker When Training and Keeping Clients. Here’s Why and How to Better Take Advantage of the Process…

When motivating your clients to work out and keep working out, metrics are one of the most powerful tools. It’s simple; humans want to see their progress. This is why before and after photos are so compelling. And while everyone loves to see a timeline of their body looking better, that doesn’t mean all clients define their success and progress similarly. If you have a variety of clients, they may all want to focus on different goals and metrics to track their improvement.
Ensuring your metrics are aligned with your client’s goals is one of the best ways to help your client feel like they’re succeeding and improving. Using a coaching app can streamline this process, allowing you to easily align client metrics with their goals for better tracking and engagement. Additionally, it helps build the relationship between the trainer and the client. If the client can see how you, as a trainer, are focusing on their metrics and goals they want to accomplish, they’ll want to stick with you for the long run.
Simply put, metrics are a money maker.
But how do you properly track dozens of clients’ metrics without becoming overwhelmed?
Enter TrueCoach.
TrueCoach helps keep your clients in check with a long list of metrics tracking abilities, from photo timelines to weekly measurements and even nutritional tracking, all customizable to fit your client’s needs.
Here are a few of the best metrics you can track in TrueCoach:
Visual before and after photos are the most helpful way to track a client’s progress. Seeing is believing, and TrueCoach includes a Progress Pictures timeline to show off a client’s improvement over days, weeks, and months.
Additionally, weight and size are significant reasons for hiring a coach or personal trainer. So naturally, weight, chest, body fat percentage, bicep, and thighs are where most clients want to start. With each metric you add, you can place the current and target metrics to see each client’s +/- progress. This is the best way for a client to see how well you perform as their trainer. If you can show them that the numbers are moving, your clients will be convinced to keep working with you.
While body measurements are a great sign of progress, endurance and distance can often be a much better metric of a client’s health and ability. These metrics often improve much faster than body composition. Especially for deconditioned clients, these metrics can change drastically and quickly, helping motivate clients to keep pushing even when they don’t see a powerful change in the body. Add metrics such as 1 Mile Run, 2k Row, 5k Row, etc. Measured by time, athletes can see their endurance and speed increase with every timed program.
A healthier lifestyle doesn’t stop at exercise, sleep is essential to creating a body that feels as good as it looks. Personal trainers know this and will want their clients to be able to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. To help keep them on track, TrueCoach lets clients select each day if they had 8 hours of sleep or not.
Functional measurements are another great way to help encourage and motivate a client, especially if they don’t see a big difference in their body after the first few months. Your Max Heartrate (Max HR) and Functional Movement Screens (FMS) are a great way to track improvements, especially during injuries that hinder ability.
Many clients can become frustrated when their body measurements don’t improve. They don’t believe they’re stronger when they don’t see their bicep becoming bigger. But measuring strength is a lot easier when tracking every exercise and the current weight used. When clients see they increased the weight of a Bench Press by 25%, they’ll be proud of their progress.
Setting nutritional goals for your clients is often just as important as the programs they accomplish every week. You’ve probably heard the saying, “you can’t out-train a bad diet,” and it’s true. A proper diet is imperative to a healthier lifestyle. To better help your clients stick to a diet, nutrition plans with flexible thresholds and tracking can help you motivate and encourage your clients to stick to their goals. Additionally, TrueCoach can integrate with MyFitnessPal, allowing clients to track their food and calorie intake and making it easier to keep on track with their nutrition plan.
What’s especially helpful with TrueCoach is that all their categories are customizable to the metrics you want to add. So you don’t have to stop at just weight and chest size; measure everything you’ve ever wanted! It’s just one of the fantastic ways TrueCoach can help build your business and keep you and your clients on track.
Your clients need metrics. And it is the easiest way to keep your clients coming back week to week to work with you. If they can see their progress through a visual timeline, weight and size changes, or their ability to run faster for longer, they will believe in you. TrueCoach is the simplest way to track your clients’ many metrics and keep them organized.
If you’re a coach or personal trainer looking to track the metrics of your athletes with better accuracy and ease, try TrueCoach. Sign up today and receive a 14 Day Free Trial.
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Author: TrueCoach
First published: February 20 2023
Written by: TrueCoach