Brimming with excitement, the TrueCoach Live Summit 2024 at Mixtape Athletics in Los Angeles was truly unforgettable. 

Gathering fitness professionals, personal trainers, and gym owners, the summit was a prime opportunity for our community to come together and push the boundaries of what is possible in the fitness industry. 

A Historic First In-Person Event 

The TC LIVE Summit marked a significant milestone as our first in-person event. It allowed us to connect face-to-face with coaches and partners who have been pivotal to our growth. The energy in the room was electric, and the shared passion for fitness and wellness was palpable. 

We were thrilled to hear your stories, challenges, and triumphs directly. Your experiences provide invaluable feedback that drives us to refine and enhance our platform continually. 

Celebrating Our Partners 

We couldn’t have done it without the support of our incredible partners and sponsors. NASM, ISSA, Atheletech News, Coach360 , Stanley, Chike, DripDrop, Chomps, and many others played an essential role in making this event a success. Their products and services are integral to the fitness community, and their presence added immense value to the summit. 

Johnny August from ISSA shared, “Partnering with TrueCoach was a no-brainer for us because they provide all the tools and resources, and that’s meaningful to us because these are our students and we care about them. We are empowering them with all the TrueCoach tools, and the partnership has been nothing but profitable for everybody.” 

The Role of Partners 

Our sponsors’ contributions were crucial in creating an engaging and informative experience. Their commitment to advancing the fitness industry aligns perfectly with our mission. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each sponsor for their generosity and support. 

Edward Hertzman from Athletech emphasized, “As a coach, your biggest differentiation is your personality and one-on-one time with clients. To offer that personal touch, avoid getting bogged down with emails, texts, messaging, and Excel. Rely on software like TrueCoach that streamlines your business, giving you time to invest in what’s most important: one-on-one time with your clients.” 

One prominent trend discussed at the summit was the shift to online programming and virtual training. With the rise of at-home workouts and digital fitness platforms, it is more crucial than ever for coaches to have a strong online presence. 

The summit provided valuable insights on how to leverage technology to enhance client communication, engagement, and retention. In addition, attendees also gained knowledge on strategies for growing their businesses in the digital age. 

TrueCoach is at the forefront of this revolution, providing tools that make delivering programming to clients straightforward and efficient. 

The Power of Easy-to-Consume Programming 

A critical takeaway from the summit was the importance of making programming easy to consume for clients. Complex spreadsheets and scattered communication can detract from the client experience. TrueCoach simplifies this process, allowing coaches to focus on what they do best. 

By streamlining administrative tasks, TrueCoach empowers coaches to provide personalized attention and build stronger relationships with their clients. 

Technological Advancements Shaping the Future 

The summit also highlighted the latest technological advancements and industry trends that will shape the future of coaching and training. Innovations in AI, data analytics, and wearable technology are revolutionizing how coaches interact with clients and measure progress. 

TrueCoach is dedicated to integrating these cutting-edge technologies into our platform, providing you with the tools needed to stay ahead in a competitive market. 

Strengthening the Community 

The TC LIVE Summit was not just about learning; it was about strengthening the TrueCoach community. The connections made, both online and offline, are invaluable. 

We are committed to fostering these connections through future summits and events. By bringing together like-minded professionals, we can continue to inspire and support each other in our fitness journeys. 

Looking Ahead 

As we reflect on the success of the TC LIVE Summit, we are more motivated than ever to innovate and improve. The feedback and ideas shared at the event will shape our roadmap, ensuring we deliver even greater value to our users. 

We look forward to many more opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together. Stay tuned for announcements about future events and updates to the TrueCoach platform. 


The TrueCoach Live Summit 2024 was a resounding success, bringing together the best and brightest in the fitness industry. Through insightful discussions, valuable feedback, and meaningful connections, we are poised to continue leading the way in fitness innovation. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to this incredible event. We are excited for the future and look forward to many more opportunities to connect and grow with you. 

Explore more about how TrueCoach can elevate your coaching business and join the revolution today. 

Article by TrueCoach

First published: July 24 2024

Last updated: September 12 2024