So you’re a personal trainer, huh? Great! But being successful isn’t just about helping clients get fit. There’s a whole business side to it that many trainers don’t consider. You’ve got to manage your cash flow, find new clients, and keep your current ones happy. And just like training, it’s all about strategy. Let’s check out 5 ways you can up your game and make your business thrive. 

1. You’re Not a Superhero – Get Organized! 

Running around like a headless chicken trying to keep up with paperwork and client schedules? Stop. You’re wasting precious time that could be used training clients or even chilling out. Get your hands on an automated system like TrueCoach to make your life easier. It’s like having a personal assistant, and it’ll make you a better trainer by giving you more time to focus on what’s important – your clients. 

Running around like a headless chicken trying to keep up with paperwork and client schedules? Stop. You’re wasting precious time that could be used training clients or even chilling out. Get your hands on an automated personal training app for trainers like TrueCoach to make your life easier.

2. Pricing – Get it Right 

Are you selling yourself short or scaring clients away with sky high rates? Figuring out your pricing can be tricky. Instead of playing guessing games, create packages that include all your services and prove their worth with solid results. By combining your personal training with something like nutrition and lifestyle coaching through apps like MyFitnessPal and Habit Tracking, you can up your prices and give your clients an all-in-one fitness solution. 

3. Show Off! 

Think your Instagram flexes are enough to pull in a steady flow of revenue? Think again. Social media marketing is your launchpad, for catapulting your personal training business into the stratosphere of recognition and client acquisition. Each post is a new opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and ignite a conversation with potential clients.  

For personal trainers, the digital world is a minefield of untapped opportunities. TrueCoach’s Social Media Resource Bundle could be the bombshell for your stagnant social needs, infusing them with campaigns that not only attract but also engage, converting casual scrolls into concrete engagements and, ultimately, revenue.  

4. Sell More to Current Clients 

Ever thought about selling more to your existing clients? Up-selling and cross-selling are like hidden treasures for extra income. Why not suggest additional services or products to your current clients? With TrueCoach, you can create unique programs that add value but don’t break your clients’ banks. It’s a win-win. 

5. Keep Growing 

Don’t get comfy and let your business become obsolete. Stay ahead by always learning – get new certifications, explore online training, or network with other fitness enthusiasts. TrueCoach’s online training can help you stay ahead of the game, ensuring your business doesn’t get left behind. 

Get the Money You Deserve 

Being a personal trainer isn’t just about being the best in the gym. By focusing on these five business strategies, you’ll not only stay ahead, but you’ll see the rewards in your bank balance. So, get your paperwork and pricing in shape, market yourself like a pro, sell more to current clients, and never stop growing. Uncover the hidden potential in your business and watch the money roll in. So go on, get your finances in shape just like you do your clients! 

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Article by TrueCoach

First published: March 18 2024

Last updated: October 21 2024